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The Duplass Brothers Shot a Secret Movie With Ray Romano as Part of a Four-Picture Deal With Netflix

The untitled project will be released later this year.
Mark & Jay Duplass
Mark & Jay Duplass
Daniel Bergeron

You might not know it if you haven’t seen “Parenthood” or “The Big Sick,” but Ray Romano has been delivering great performances since a certain sitcom ended. Two people who do know it are the Duplass Brothers, who are working on the imaginatively titled “Untitled Duplass Brothers Ray Romano Project” as part of a four-picture deal with Netflix. Alex Lehmann (“Blue Jay”) is directing the project, the title of which is obviously not final.

Described as “a bittersweet bromance about friendship, mortality, and made-up sports,” the project was co-written by Lehmann and Mark Duplass, who also co-stars alongside Romano. It’ll be released later this year.

“Turns out when you make films for Netflix, millions of people all over the world watch them. This is not a terrible thing for an independent filmmaker. As Netflix continues to grow and develop new ways to reach viewers, we couldn’t be more thrilled to grow our partnership,” the cinematic siblings said in a statement.

“Jay and Mark are the most enterprising filmmakers in the business,” said Ian Bricke, director of independent film at Netflix. “They have embraced Netflix as much as our subscribers have embraced their films. Having worked with Mark and Jay for over a decade, we have huge admiration for their creative passion and filmmaking smarts. We are thrilled for this next chapter of our relationship.”

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