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Guillermo del Toro Wants You to Appreciate the Craftsmanship of George Miller and Michael Mann

The director explains why he is going to hold two-week interviews with Mann and Miller during his sabbatical year.
Guillermo del Toro Interviews Michael Mann and George Miller
"Mad Max: Fury Road"

Guillermo del Toro is currently riding high on the critical raves for “The Shape of Water,” which could earn the Mexican filmmaker his first Oscar nomination for Best Director. The fantasy romance will be the last bit of filmmaking audiences see from del Toro for quite a bit, as he has announced plans to take a year-long sabbatical from the director’s chair. So how does del Toro plan to keep busy? In addition to producing some projects, the director will sit down for two-week interviews with Michael Mann and George Miller.

Del Toro had previously teased he would be working in some capacity on a project involving Mann, and now it has been confirmed that part of the project will involve spending two weeks with Mann sometime between now and next December. Del Toro will also be doing the same thing with “Mad Max” creator Miller. As del Toro explains in the Twitter thread below, he really wants to dig into the craftsmanship of both directors.

Del Toro compares Mann and Miller to painters, and he wants to show everyone not only what is it they paint and why they paint it, but also what the decisions are that go into choosing what kind of brush is used and what kind of paint strokes are made. Whatever comes of del Toro’s interviews with Miller and Mann, we can assume they are going to be epic.

Read del Toro’s project tease in the thread below. “The Shape of Water” opens in select theaters December 1.

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